5 Books That Will Inspire A Zero Waste Lifestyle

A path to a cleaner, kinder and brighter future.

Explore in this Article

  1. What Is Zero Waste?
  2. How To Start A Zero Waste Lifestyle?
  3. Books That Will Inspire A Zero Waste Lifestyle

Are you trying to shift to a zero waste lifestyle? Well, it might seem a tad bit overwhelming and difficult in the beginning. But as you go about it, it does get easier. Here are a few things you should know and a few books that will help make your way towards a zero waste lifestyle, more fun and interesting. So, read on!

What Is Zero Waste?

‘Zero Waste is a way of life that promotes the goal of reducing the amount of material we throw away and instead reincorporating the by-products of one system for use for another system.’ says EPA. In simpler words, it’s all about the 5 Rs – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot. (Scroll, scroll, scroll!)

How To Start A Zero Waste Lifestyle?

The whole point of going zero waste is to follow the 5 Rs:
Refuse what you don’t need. (Save money in the process.)
Reduce wherever you can. (Choose single-use items!)
Reuse whenever possible. (Consider everything you own for this one.)
Recycle almost everything. (Or literally, everything!)
Rot, i.e., compost. (Or switch to compostable and biodegradable things.)

This definitely doesn’t mean throwing away things you already own and switching to low-waste alternatives, right away. Instead, it’s all about working with what you already have, making the best of it, and then, switching to a more conscious option.

Zero Waste Lifestyle Myths

For instance, if you own a plastic container, don’t dispose of it immediately. If you have no use for it in your kitchen, try reusing it as a planter or as a garbage bin. Once it’s worn out completely, dispose of it responsibly. Lastly, don’t give up. The key to keep going is to stay connected with other zero waste communities – online or in person. This will not only keep you motivated but will also help you learn more to practice your zero waste lifestyle.

Books That Will Inspire A Zero Waste Lifestyle

1. 101 Ways To Go Zero Waste By Kathryn Kellogg

Goodreads Rating: 3.82

If you are just starting off, this book is for you. In 101 Ways To Go Zero Waste (also popularly known as Going Zero Waste), Kathryn Kellogg’s philosophy is not to be perfect but to make better choices. In her book, she shares simple tips to reduce waste like opting for a reusable straw, DIY recipes for cleaning products, and a lot more. She talks about making responsible and ethical choices regarding fashion, stationery, and even waste-free travel. It is indeed, an excellent guide to start everyone’s zero waste journey!

2. An Almost Zero Waste Life By Megean Weldon

Goodreads Rating: 3.89

Megean Weldon, aka Zero Waste Nerd in her book – An Almost Zero Waste Life, has talked about how a ‘regular’ person can send as minimal waste as possible to the landfills. With this book, she aims to change how the world looks at, consumes, and thinks about trash. By shedding light on the positives, she walks you through reducing waste in day-to-day life like meal plans, beauty routines, recycling, and much more.

3. A Zero Waste Life In Thirty Days By Anita Vandyke

Goodreads Rating: 3.53

A Zero Waste Life In Thirty Days By Anita Vandyke focuses more on the benefits of this lifestyle. It helps you understand how you can save money and time with a zero waste lifestyle. Based on a step-by-step guide with 30 lifestyle tips, this book brings a fresh perspective to living a healthier and kinder life by reducing waste.

4. Zero Waste Home By Bea Johnson

Goodreads Rating: 3.78

If you are thinking about going zero waste, you should have definitely heard or read about Bea Johnson, aka the Priestess of Waste-Free Living. This book talks about her personal experiences on how she and her family achieved their zero waste goals of reducing their trash to a liter per year. Read Zero Waste Home to know all about the tips, tools, and also, her secrets to achieving a brighter future for the planet.

5. Zero Waste: Simple Life Hacks By Shia Su

Goodreads Rating: 3.74

Shia Su is the mind and heart behind Wasteland Rebel. Her book, Zero Waste: Simple Life Hacks, attempts to look at the world’s waste problem through a fun-filled lens. She surely can fit her trash from a whole year in a mason jar, and she demystifies and simplifies the zero waste lifestyle. She shares practical advice, quick fixes, and loads of hacks and tips to make trash-free living fun and a lot more meaningful for beginners.

These are some fantastic books about a zero waste lifestyle. If you are just getting started on this journey, stay tuned ’cause we have a lot more to share!

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